Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

20+ Tips for simple Diet

  1. Be a mighty maintainer
  2. Be a weekend warrior
  3. Buy comfy sneaks
  4. Combat cocktail hour
  5. Curb your sweet tooth
  6. Ditch your working lunch
  7. Eat this, run that
  8. Find healthy fast food
  9. Find the best fitness friend
  10. Fuel for fitness
  11. Fun up your food
  12. Have a fruity ice cream sundae
  13. Next: Slather up!
  14. Pick your perfect tunes
  15. Police your portions
  16. Relieve those achy muscles
  17. Relieve those side stitches
  18. Run chafe-free
  19. Run with this
  20. Savor your carbs
  21. Say goodbye to peer pressure
  22. Say hello to H20
  23. Shake your way slim
  24. Slim up your snack
  25. Snag the right support
  26. Stock up on these
  27. Swap out your shoes
  28. Turn your cheat day around
  29. Up your exercise
  30. When to weight